Continuing Education Units - CEUs

click here for information on CPE credit

Forms for CEU Credit 

    Non-Registered Provider Form
    CEU Reading Program Form
    Writing Contribution to the Profession Form
    Teaching/Leading Contribution to the Profession Form

A continuing education unit (CEU) is a measurement used in continuing education to demonstrate lifelong learning by a participant. CEUs may be earned by anyone and in-and-of themselves are indications of an individual’s commitment to grow in their profession. CEUs are the measure required by The Church Network for Certified Church Administrators to retain their designation as a certified leader in the church profession.

The Church Networks's CEUs are measured in one-hour increments for a 0.1 CEU.

In order to receive CEU credit, you must attend a session at least 50 minutes in length(or round to the nearest 5min mark).

If you attend more than one session in a workshop, you will keep a running total of the minutes in classroom study. 


Workshop 1 is 45 min, workshop 2 is 20 min, workshop 3 is 65 min, and workshop 4 is 70 min.

45 + 20 + 65 + 70 = 200

Divide the total (200) by 600

200/600 = 0.3333

Round to the nearest tenth. 

 Total CEUs = 0.3 (or 3 hours)

CEUs are issued through TCN's Director of Education. CEU units may be obtained from any registered or approved non-registered service provider that offers education in any of the fourteen areas of study.

These are:

  •  Personnel/Human Resource Management
  •  Communication and Marketing
  •  Staff Development
  •  Strategic Planning
  •  Congregational Leadership
  •  Financial Management
  •  Theology of Stewardship
  •  Stewardship of Self
  •  Office Management
  •  Legal and Tax Matters
  •  Information Management
  •  Christian Perspectives & Theology of Church
  •  Property Management
  • Theology and Ethics of Church Administration


Obtaining CEUs:

National Conference

– According to the PT&S Committee of The Church Network, each workshop at the conference is approved for 0.2 CEU credits.

  • CEU hours are based on actual attendance.
  • All participants must sign in. Failure to do so will result in the participant not receiving CEU credit.
  • A CEU code will be issued at the end of each CEU event.  Participant should record this code on the Conference Continuing Education form provided in the conference notebook. The participant should submit this form to the national office within 30 days of the end of the conference.
  • A participant who would like to apply conference CEUs to certification must have registered for certification or submit the certification registration form with the CEU documentation. For more information on registering for certification see the guidelines.

Chapter CEU Program

 – The purpose of The Church Network's Local Chapter Continuing Education Unit Program is to set the standards whereby participants of workshops and seminars sponsored by a local chapter can receive CEUs under the auspices of the PT&S Committee. The guidelines, which must be followed exactly to insure the quality and consistency of the program, are as follows:

  • The local chapter must be in good standing with The Church Network.
  • On the Request to Host form, the president (or designee) will request (with signature) to participate in the Local Chapter CEU Program for each workshop or seminar.
  • On the Request to Host form, at least one member in good standing of The Church Network who has been certified as CCA and who is also a member of the local chapter must agree to act as registrar for the program. A CCA who has agreed to be registrar must be present during the workshop or seminar.
  • To qualify for CEUs, the topic of the workshop or seminar will be from among those covered in the certification program of The Church Network, and the presenter(s) of the workshop or seminar will be acknowledged or experienced experts in the area of the topic.
  •  0.1 CEUs will be granted to persons who properly register and attend one (1) contact hour. One (1) contact hour is defined as a minimum of 50 minutes of lecture and then each 60 minutes thereafter for a presentation or discussion on the topic by the approved presenter(s).

Click here for chapter guidelines

Registered Provider  

– The National Registered Continuing Education Provider is a program designed to enhance the ongoing professional development of The Church Network members, local Chapter members and other persons directly related to the operation of churches.
To support the continuing professional development of individuals holding the Certified Church Administrator designation (CCAs), Church Network members and congregations by providing quality education opportunities.
To provide educational opportunities for CCAs seeking to maintain their certification under The Church Network.
To establish appropriate criteria and policies permitting The Church Network to provide recognition to qualifying providers of education in the field of church administration.
To provide a foundation for a cooperative effort between TCN and the education and training community.
Registered Provider Introduction


Non-registered Provider

– Units issued by a non-registered Church Network organization should be submitted to the national office within 60 days of completing the course with an accompanying non-registered sponsor form, certificate of completion, and outline of the program. (Appendix D
– Individuals earning credit through an academic degree program where the course subject falls under ne of the 14 domains will receive credit as follows: 3 hour credit course = 3.0 CEU (semester system); 4 hour credit course - 4.0 CEU (quarter system). A transcript should be submitted to show completion. (Retention Document Appendix D)
- Non-registered CEUs can only be submitted by CCAs who have completed certification and are completing CEUs for retention. 


Reading Program

 – Up to 1.0 CEUs may be earned through the CEU reading program. TCN maintains an approved reading list on the certification national website. Books are submitted by Training Center Faculty for inclusion on the list. Each book read and reported will earn a 0.1 CEU. Designee’s must submit the CEU Reading Report Form (Retention Document Appendix E).


Writing Program

– A 0.1 CEU will be issued for approved articles that are a minimum of 1500 words on any topic outlined in 2.1. (see above) published in a general circulation periodical where “CCA” is indicated with the author’s name. A copy of the published article must be provided to The Church Network. Upon request a 0.1 CEU will be issued for articles published in The Church Network InSight Journal. Submission should be sent within 60 days of publication (Retention Document Appendix F).


Leader/Teaching Program

– A designee can receive up to 1.0 CEUs for being a leader at any seminar/workshop where “CCA” is indicated with the leader’s name. This includes, but is not limited to, when CEUs are awarded at a certification center, the national conference, or a local chapter. Desinee must have attained CCA status and be active in retention to receive CEUs for teaching/leading a program. The hours earned will be calculated as twice the number of hours of instruction (e.g. 3 hours of instruction will earn .6 CEU) for each new topic of instruction. A copy of the workshop description and/or brochure must be provided and the person in charge of the seminar or workshop must verify the number of hours taught (Retention Document Appendix F).

Click here for Retention Guidelines


CPE Policies

The National Association of Church Business Administration (NACBA), doing business as The Church Network (TCN), is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

NACBA has been approved by the NASBA to provide CPE credit for "Group Live" and "Group Internet Based" programs, so certain workshops offered at our national conference and certain of our Webinars are eligible for CPE credit. Our NASBA sponsor ID is 115907.

NACBA is registered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy as a CPE sponsor. This registration does not constitute an endorsement by the board as to the quality of our CPE program. Our Texas sponsor ID is 010089.

Click here for a copy of our CPE policies